Abstraction of 2d Filter
With the convenience of abstraction of iterations, I felt necessary abstract filter with similar technics.
Recently in my program I need to apply different non-linear filters to my images, which leads to terrible iterations like:
for (int y = 0; y < image.rows(); ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < image.cols(); ++x)
int top = MAX(0, y - size);
int bottom = MIN(y + size + 1, image.rows());
int left = MAX(0, x - size);
int right = MIN(x + size + 1, image.cols());
for (int iy = top; iy < bottom; ++iy)
for (int ix = left; ix < right; ++ix)
// ...
I’d like to put them in a function so I can focus on the filter process without typing these regular code again and again.
Filter is a kind of image transformation where each output pixel depends on a local region of pixels(typically a weighted sum) from the input image. So usually we need two steps, accumulation and evaluation.
Accmulation computes over all the neighboring pixels and generates some intermediate results. Evaluation transorm these intermediate results to the output pixels.
So a straightforward Filter function comes like this:
template<class Mat1, class Mat2, class Mat3, class AccmFunc, class EvalFunc>
void filter(Mat1 &src, Mat2 &dst, Mat3 &kernel, AccmFunc accm, EvalFunc eval)
assert(src.rows() == dst.rows() && src.cols() == dst.cols());
for (int y = 0; y < src.rows(); ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < src.cols(); ++x)
int x0 = max(x - kernel.cols() / 2, 0);
int x1 = min(x + kernel.cols() / 2 + 1, src.cols());
int y0 = max(y - kernel.rows() / 2, 0);
int y1 = min(y + kernel.rows() / 2 + 1, src.rows());
for (int dy = y0; dy < y1; ++dy)
for (int dx = x0; dx < x1; ++dx)
accm(src(dy, dx), kernel(dy - y + kernel.rows()/2, dx - x + kernel.cols()/2));
eval(dst(y, x));
With which a gaussian blur appears like:
float sum_rgb[3] = {0, 0, 0}, sum_w = 0;
his::filter(input_image, output_image, kernel,
[&](const Pixel &pixel, float w)
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
sum_rgb[c] += pixel.rgb[c] * w;
sum_w += w;
[&](Pixel &dst)
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
dst.rgb[c] = sum_rgb[c] / sum_w;
sum_rgb[c] = 0;
sum_w = 0;
where input_image
and output_image
are two images, kernel
is a gaussian kernel of the type his::Matrix<float>
. Following are two lambda expressions define the process of Accumulation and Evaluation respectively. Accumulation sums the color values and the weights, while Evaluation computes the output pixel color based on the weighted sum. A full sample can be viewed at Github.
The trick is to use lambda expression to capture intermediate variables(the sum of rgb color and the sum of weights in above example). In such a way Accumulation and Evaluation can share informations to finish the work together.
A more sophisticated implementation removes unnecessary boundary checks at the central part of the image.
With two lambda expressions, a filter, linear or non-linear, or even non-numerical ones, can be esaily defined. TPAMI 2014 paper ‘Stereo Matching Using Tree Filtering’ introduced a complicated ‘Tree Filter’ which builds a minimum spanning tree with local input pixels and use the distances as weights. This can be implemented by filter
function too.
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